Bars & Bells

Small group Strength Training

This class is designed for the everyone looking for something to “Build them up and NOT break them down”

– 2x Weekly, predominantly focusing on educating and empowering your Barbell and Kettlebell lifts.
– What’s app group to ask any questions and keep motivation through the week on a high.
– Weekly programming sent.

1 hour class designed to focus on a strength exercise or skill each month. We will focus on the major lifts such as the squat, deadlift, press, lunge, carry and pull. Once we have developed these patterns we will progress to more technical exercises such as the Turkish Get Ups, Clean and jerk, snatches plus much more. So if you want to improve your lifts like a pull up, or a back squat or just want to move better and feel stronger, this is the class for you.

The class will be educational, technical,  progressive and will help empower you to be confident in strength training and what your body can achieve.

You will be assessed, taught the intricacies of strength training and the major lifts. This will help build confidence through education and more of a coaching led experience, but still with the feel of being part of a community.

The class will also be 100% scaleable, therefore allowing anyone to participate no matter what fitness or skill level.

The class size will be restricted to a maximum of 6 people. Therefore, allowing more individual focus on participants technical development of their lifts.

First come first served basis, so book on quick.

Fitworks Members £100per month
Non members £120pp per month.

*Tues Evening 18.00-19.00- Ben
*Thurs Evening 18.30-19.30 – Hannah

These classes are led by Hannah and Ben.
These guys have combined over 40 years experience in the fitness industry, both with the passion and belief that strength and conditioning Benefits everyone when done properly.

Hannah is a world champion kettlebell lifter going to national competitions and lifting for England.

Ben is an accredited Strength & Conditioning Coach and Sports Therapist, as well as a certified Kettlebell instructor

#Find Your Tribe


Pippa - 07739014942

Hannah - 07931327494


Company Registration Number - 15063030

Registered Office

Unit C2A
Comet Studios
DeHaviland Court
Penn Street