Ever looked at someone and thought ‘It must be so easy for you? To keep on track, to keep slim, to keep strong, to stay on the right mindset, they seem so happy’. We’ve all done it and it is a habit we need to stop for our own sake!
That person that we are comparing ourselves to is probably doing the same but we both need to realise, we have no idea what the challenges are for that person, we have no idea of their personal goals and we have to admit keeping to our healthy lifestyle (mind or body) is always going to be challenging, no matter what, no matter who you are.
Whatever your age, shape, fitness level, its all about getting in balance with yourself and allowing yourself the time to get s*** done 🙂
For example, if you’ve looked at your PT and compared your progress, understand that we still need to find the motivation and the time to keep on top of our own training and mindset. A recently conversation between Hannah and her sister brought up how it must be so easy for Hannah to look good, stay strong and to find the motivation to train. We don’t see her body image thoughts, her personal goals or her compromises but they are there. We see her posting her pictures and fitness videos to inspire others and herself but we don’t know about how she feels when she pushes herself to workout even when she isn’t motivated or unhappy with herself. Our instructors have families, write the programming, marketing themselves, teach the sessions, network and must still find the time for their own training. So just remember…
Every single person has their own challenges and the key is to focus on you and not the visual progress of others. Use others as motivation but not as a comparison to yourself. They are not you!
If you are struggling with this, here is how to start:
1. Write down your goals so you have a focus (these need to be SMART)
2. Break down those goals into sizable ‘to do’ pieces
3. Plan your week by incorporating your goals and take it day by day
4. Put it into action and log everything (create a diary so you can look back on how each day makes you feel, what works and doesn’t work so it becomes part of your lifestyle)
5. Chat about it with your trainer/ fitness buddy/ friend
6. Re-visit and edit
Some Tips for you
1. Don’t be afraid to try new things – new hobbies can be a great distraction
2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help
3. Be inspired by others but do not compare yourself!!
4. Don’t make excuses about why you didn’t train or take a little time for selfcare. Lets find the mindset to dedicate even 10 minutes to working towards our own goals.
And remember this is not a competition. It is about finding the best version of you and that starts with how you think about yourself. You are wonderful and never think any different!
Pippa, Hannah and Emma xx